The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program selects and nominates, qualified skilled worker foreign nationals who wish to settle in New Brunswick and contribute to the New Brunswick workforce through full-time continuous employment. Priority is given to applicants who have the greatest potential to become economically established in New Brunswick. If the province selects you based on your education, training, related work experience, English and/or French language skills, and ability to adapt to life in New Brunswick, your application may be forwarded IRCC for consideration for permanent resident status in Canada. The final decision regarding your status is made by the Federal government. A criminal record or negative medical reports could stand in your way of being accepted.
The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program includes:
- New Brunswick PNP Skilled Worker Program (Employer-Supported)
- New Brunswick PNP Entrepreneurial Stream
- NBPNP – Post Graduate Entrepreneurial Stream
- New Brunswick Express Entry Program
In order to qualify you must:
have a letter outlining your genuine full-time, permanent job offer from a qualified New Brunswick employer
- be between 22 and 55 years of age
- have adequate English and, or French language skills to fulfill your job duties
- have the education/training, qualifications and, or licenses needed to fulfill your job duties
- live and work in New Brunswick
- be working in one of the following National Occupation Classifications:
• Skill levels O, A, B
• Skill level C, Category 1, 3, 7, 8, 9
• Skill level D, Category 1, 3, 7, 8, 9 - have a positive LIMA result indicating the need for someone with your skillset and that a Canadian citizen or permanent resident cannot fill the position
- be working at the local job market rate of pay
- work in a position that complies with the provincial employment standards
- submit all required forms and supporting documents
- score a minimum of 50 points in the ranking system
Also, see the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program for employment streams.
Contact us at 01 604-362-1969 for a free assessment from Migrating Bird Immigration Services Inc. to find out how we can assist you with the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program.